Monument to a poet and priest Mykolas Šeižys-Dagilėlis

  • Paminklas poetui kunigui Mykolui Šeižiui-Dagilėliui
This monument was built in 1992, a few kilometers from the priest Mykolas Šeižys-Dagilėlis native village Šiukštoniai, near the road Pasvalys–Joniškėlis. Two parish priests Antanas Balaišis from Pakruojis and Benediktas Urbonas from Joniškėlis consecrated it. Mykolas Šeižys-Dagilėlis was born in 1874, in Šiukštoniai village, the parish of Joniškėlis and he finished Švobiškis primary school. In 1898, he graduated from the Kaunas seminary. From 1914 to 1920 he was a Grūžiai parish priest near his native place. In 1933, he moved to Pakruojis, where he lived until his death.
  • GPS coordinates: 56.02645, 24.24831